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Spring 2025 Pickleball League Registration

Your Details (1/3)

Which city do you want to register for?

This form is only for registration into upcoming leagues for the cities available in this dropdown. If the city you are looking for isn't in the dropdown, the registrations may not have opened yet. To ensure you get invited, go to your city's league page and submit your name and email. Find the right page here.


Email Address

Phone Number




Your city and country are used to make sure your entry is recorded in the right group. The street address and zip code are used to optimize partner selection (for solo registrants) and match scheduling (for all registrants).

Skill Level / Division

The rating scale below are calibrated on DUPR scores. If you are new to the game, do not have a DUPR score or are simply not sure, please follow the Skill Guide to understand what your skill level is.
If you are registering as a team, your partner must be of the same skill level. If you are registering solo, you will be matched with a partner of the same skill level.